Friday, October 23, 2009


First Manga Appearance: Ch. 363
First Anime Teaser Appearance: Ep. 135
Hidden Village: Rain
Ring: Rei (Zero)
Finger Position: Right Thumb
Info: Pain acts as the leader of the group, though he and Konan secretly reported to Tobi. He has been adamant that the group can fulfill their desires if they finally possess the bijuu. Pain's true form is that of Nagato, a frail man who uses a mechanical walker to transmit the chakra signals which manipulate the six Realm bodies. After attacking Konoha, he fought Naruto, losing all his Realm bodies in the process. After speaking with Naruto, he learned they both shared similar philosophies. Being moved by Naruto's personality and will power, Nagato hardened persona regained some hope in the future. Using the last of his power, he revived all those he killed at the cost of his life to atone.


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